Документы организации
Автор: Воропаев Дмитрий
WORLD ORGANIZATION OF THE SCOUT MOVEMENT ORGANISATION MONDIALE DU MOVEMENT SCOUT This is to certify that the National Scout Organization in Nous certifions que I'Organisation Scoute Nstionale de RUSSIAN FEDERATION Known as Connue sous le nom RUSSIAN ASSOCIATION OF SCOUTS/NAVIGATORS | | having complied with the requirements laid down by the Constitution of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, has been duly granted recognition as a Member Organization and is here by registered with the Would Scout Bureau, with effect from | ayant rempli les conditions requises par la Constitution de I'Organisation Mondiale du Mouvement Scout, a ete officiellement reconnue comme Organisation Membre Elle est desormais inscrite aupresdu Bureau Mondial du Scoutisme, acompter du | 28 June 2004 | Dr Marie Louise Correa Chairman Presidente World Scout Committee Comite Mondial du Scoutisme | Eduardo Missoni Secretary General Secretaire General World Organization of the Scout Movement Organization Mondiale du Movement Scout | |